Simpl Restaurant | A Framer Template


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This Framer template is perfect for any restaurant to elevate their brand and create a beautiful experience for their customers. Play with the demo:

This site comes with 8 pages –– Home, Home (Alt Hero), Menu, About, Gallery, Reserve, Contact, 404.

Fully (thoughtfully) responsive ––With unique layouts, interactions and navigation tailored to each device size and experience.

Integrations to build your restaurant –– It comes with OpenTable for reservations, MailChimp for newsletter email capture, and FormSpark for the contact form.

Easily swap out your brand elements –– Text styles, colour constants and components make it easy to easily update the site to reflect your brand.

CMS –– The menus are already connected to the CMS, so it's super easy to update them from the dashboard.

See it used by a real restaurant –– checkout how Simpl Things ( utilized this template and made it their own!

Get 3 months of Framer Pro for free –– use the code PRO-YEARLY-PARTNER

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